Monday, February 7, 2011

my random facts #1

yeaaah... long time no see my blog....
It's kinda busy for me this months, a lot of deadline, my new project is starting now and I have to handle it, and some trouble to manage which are one of them is my lazy habit... Oopsss...

actually I dont know what to write, anyway I just did a movie marathon tonite, alone in my home because my families went to my family's wedding in Sorowako, as you know it's 10 hours far from here, so yaaa... it's faaarrrr faaar away... :D
Oh ya, I watched easyA and the old one (not really old actually) If Only, the 1st movie completely made me laugh and teach me something about helping people with lying which is only bring you to big trouble, and at the end you should be responsible on it, and the 2nd one, completely made me drop down my tears in the end.... someone had told me when I update my status on facebook that I'm watching If Only, to be careful of cry, and at the beginning and in the middle, it just kinda usual romantic movie, but at the climax, it's successful made me cried... an unfair ending, thy should be together, not separated by death...
for those who never watch it, I suggest you to do it immediately....

anyway... here we go...
tadaaa.... I present you some random facts about me, which is maybe you dont have any interest to read it, hehhee

  1. I use my wristwatch on the right, not on the left one which is a lot of people usually did it, I dont know why, but I just felt comfy when I put it on the right... 
  2. I got one new habit, I forgot when it started, but for now when I go to toilet and take a p*p, I always bring a book, something to read, and I can spent extra time in that not to finish my human activity (re: p*p), but to finish one chapter of that book I read... 
  3. I'm a delay person, especially in wake up moment, I just always wanna make it click with the time which is I mean here is in case I wake up at 6:26 AM, then I'll delay it until 6:30 but the facts is I always delay it until 3 times, so it'll be around 7:00 or 7:30, whenever it is, it must click-the minutes- I dunno why but just feel right when you wake up at the 'click' time.
  4. Insomnia is my middle name-since work as a movie editor when junior high school and always awake in the middle nite to edit video-until now my habit became uncontrolled... noon or nite is just the same to me... I work at noon and still work at nite..
  5. Rat haters, yeah... I hate rat,mouse, or whatever you call that dirty creature, and lucky me, I always can feel when it su*ks animal around me even in some meters far... I prefer to take care a lion or a cheetah-I really wanna have a white cheetah as my pet-than a rat. Rat is the only one animal who can make me cry and jump up to my table and sleep on there, damn!
  6. Movie addict - that's why I wanna be a movie director, even my dad didnt allow me to continue my study in IKJ-Intitut Kesenian Jakarta (Jakarta Art Institue)-but anyway I already made my own movie with my friends in SHS, and the title is "Di Antara Kita", I'm a director, a half script writer, and at the last grade in SHS, I became a director of our last art project which is a drama musical, the title is "Anumarta dan Alika", a Romeo and Juliet in traditional version
  7. Independent - sometimes I just felt "Am I too independent so sometimes people around me didn't offering me some help?", but yeah... I usually do all my things alone, that's my fault to make my self always think that I should do something or finishing sometime by myself and didn't trust someone to take care about it, yeah... My trust to people is less, but now I'm trying to make it bigger :D
  8. Easy to got a crush, believe it or not, actually it's a little bit personal, but I already decided to share about my facts, so here we go... I'm a very loyal person, if I like someone then I'll like him until unpredictable time, but I'm too easy to get a crush on someone, even I never see him before-based on my past actually,ooppss- :D, I can got a crush with someone who can balancing me in chat, who smarter than me, who have a humor sense lot than me, and the silly one who can beat me in any debates...
  9. I'm -of course- a day dreamer... my wish lists became longer and longer, I'm dreaming, find a way to make it true and bring it to the reality... some years ago, I've dream to go abroad until I know one BIG news that someone who I looking for about 7 years were living in another country, then I decided to take a big step, yapp... I saved my money to go there, until I know a backpacker world, so, I wanna thanks to this man, because of him-my silly reason to go abroad-finally I'm in love with my new world as a traveller or you can say a backpacker, *sigh* anyway, I never meet this man, in my 1st trip, my 2nd, and next on August 2011, I dunno will I meet him or not... I'll tell my story about this in another post... 
  10. I really love to find money, everything I do to get it-in Halal way of course- for me, money is not everything but everything need money, so.. big bullshit for them who said didnt need money or money is unimportant things.. with money we cant buy a love but we can make our love more precious, with money we cant buy a soul but we can make our body health, with money we cant buy a happiness but we can make ourself happy to buy things what we love... but UNDERLINE this... I'm not a materialistic girl, I never use somebody else's money, I use mine, and I never exploit someone to give their money... yaa... I'm not the materialistic girl, but I'm the realistic one..
that's all, if I have a silly mood again, I'll post another facts... anyway it's 5:15 AM, and I'm still awake to finish all my duty - layout wedding invitation , a yasinan print , a banner layout, etc - and thanks God I already spent a few hours to sleep in this afternoon so I'm still have a bit energy to did this INSOMNIA which is sponsored by all that jobs..

see you on my next post...

anyway, I've a plan to feel a different ramadhan in abroad,
I already have the ticket...
*just share a little surprise, :D

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